62.3% of the US Population is Employed.
60% the young adults work in the US
According to the bureau of labor statistics, it was seen that in the US, 60% of the young adults from the age of 18 – 26 years old work in the US. The rest of the population either does not work or doesn’t have the right opportunities to get a job. The stat shows a positive sign, a 0.8% increase from last year.
25% of the US labor workforce are 55 or more
As stated by Nicoa.org, it was found through a survey that the majority of the jobs in the economy are seated by people of younger age. This was seen by the fact that only 25% of the US labor force is of 55 years old or above. This is a significant decrease from last year in which it was at 36.7%
62.3% of all US population is employed.
The Bureau of labor statistics recently published an article mentioning the state of the US economy. It gave the statistic that unemployment has decreased but only a little by 0.2%. Currently 62.3% of the US population is employed, while others are still unemployed.
10% of the US jobs have shifted to work-from-home model
According to a Gallup survey at the end of 2022, it was found that around 10% of the conventional jobs have shifted to work-from-home model. Forbes estimates that this rise will keep increasing until the 81% of the jobs will be on work-from-home basis by the end of 2024.
32% are considering to switch their current job
As per the latest survey Apollo technical found that most people are in search for a better job constantly. They posted that people between the age of 25 – 44 are most likely to change job. Nearly 32% of the population within this age group is likely to switch to a better job. While 14% of this population remains satisfied with their jobs.